
Measure the effectiveness of your security awareness training

With Redflags® from ThinkCyber you can measure real change in cyber security behaviours, gain unique visibility of risky behaviours as well as measuring engagement to meet compliance goals.

It’s time to effectively show the impact you’re making on your organisation’s security status.

How many times have you delivered security training simply measuring completion rate and not knowing if people just click next, next, next?

How many times have you measured click rates in phishing simulations without any insights into the employee behaviour around the click?

Make sure your efforts don’t go unnoticed!

Discover Redflags®

Isometric image graphs and analytics

Baseline cyber behaviours across your company, without interrupting workflows, to understand what “normal” looks like.


Isometric image graphs and analytics

Measure the effectiveness of your interventions, and make informed decision about your next campaigns with an holistic view of your people’s behaviours.

Isometric image graphs and analytics

Measure engagement rates on security training with in-depth insights on completion, dwell time and click-through rate to learn more.

Give your people security awareness they want to use


of staff see training snippets as useful


see content as relevant to their role


are learning more than with traditional training.

Gamma|Redflags logos

Gamma reaches enviable engagement rates with Redflags®

By combining interesting content with in-the-moment delivery Gamma was able to see clear behaviour change, achieving enviable voluntary engagement rates of over 85% across the business for over a year. “It wasn’t just the case that [ThinkCyber] gave us a tool and walked away, but they showed us how to make it as effective as possible” Amy Lemberger, Group Security Director, Gamma Communications plc.

Are you struggling with…

  • Low or no visibility into employees’ behaviours?
  • Influencing secure behaviour to create secure habits?
  • Demonstrating the value of your Security Awareness team due to a lack of ROI data?

To train your people to best protect themselves, they need ongoing awareness of risks

The simplest element of Redflags® drip-feeds snippets of content directly onto people’s device.  
  • Engage your staff with interesting stories and real-life examples, making security relevant to their role and personal lives.
  • Drive engagement with eye-catching, brief and digestible content delivered direct to their desktop, reducing barriers to engagement.
  • Maintain awareness, keeping security front of mind with content drip-fed little and often.

To reduce cyber security incidents we need to target the behaviours that drive them

Unique real-time security interventions, at the point of risk.


  • Support people with gentle nudges to guide behaviours when they occur.
  • Apply behavioural science theory to enhance intervention effectiveness.
  • Gain visibility of risky behaviours taking place: from phishing to misdirected emails, online safety to data uploads.

Annual training isn’t enough.

Complement ongoing awareness, reinforce learning outcomes with brief reminders.


  • Reinforce and embed awareness, with short tips and reminders.
  • Respond to incidents and events, with rapid delivery of relevant guidance when needed.
  • Maximise engagement by delivering reminders only when relevant (to the risk) applications are in use.

Measure behaviour change and engagement

  • Adapt your campaigns based on behaviour based metrics.
  • Baseline behaviours with or without interventions.
  • Measure engagement to give you the compliance data you need, as well as unique visibility of staff risky behaviours.
  • Manage and measure content groups.


Ready to measure how your people are changing their behaviours?

Would you like to prove your efforts are having a clear impact on the organisation’s security? We’d love to show you how!

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Free resource

Maximizing Impact with Nudge Theory

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